A Personal History
compiled by myself
Thomas Boyd Wilson
“T” or Grumpy T
“My Testimony”

I want to let you know that I know that God lives, Jesus is the Christ and that He lived and died for us. I know that He atoned for all the sins of mankind that are repented of. Because of His atonement, mankind (depending on worthiness and repentance) can return to live again with God the Father. Because of the crucifixion and subsequent resurrection all mankind will be resurrected.

I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the only true church on the earth. I know that the Book of Mormon is true I have read it and received a testimony of the truthfulness of this book. I know that Joseph Smith was and is a prophet of God. Through him the Lord reestablished His True Church on the earth. All the presidents of the Church have been called of God and are true prophets. 

I have a testimony of Prayer. I have had many prayers answered, yes sometimes the answer was no but they are always answered and always in a manner that is in our best interests. I am so thankful for some of the “No’s” I have received. I have also had MANY yes answers. 

I have a testimony of Repentance. I have felt the cleansing power of repentance. I would encourage my posterity to take advantage of this wonderful principle. Repentance is not easy but it is necessary because we all commit sin and no unclean thing can enter the Kingdom of God. Christ atoned for our sins, opened the door of repentance, and gave us the opportunity / responsibility to earn our way back to live with God. 

I have a testimony of the Temple. A Temple Marriage is the only marriage that will last through the Eternities. I am thankful for the temple and the many blessings and promises I have received from temple attendance. What a wonderful blessing it is to go to the temple and perform those sacred ordinances first for yourself and then for those who lived and did not have the opportunity to attend the temple for themselves. Not only does it give the opportunity to rehear the blessings and promises from the covenants made but also it helps to draw us to our ancestors. 

I have a testimony of Family and love. The whole reason for our being here on earth is to gain a physical body and gain the ability to perpetuate the family. I have been so very blessed to have the wonderful family that I have. I don’t have the vocabulary to express the joy I have in my family. I know I have not been as good of a husband or father as I should have been and I am truly sorry for that. But there has never been a day that I haven’t thanked my Father in Heaven for each of my children, and grand children. I want my two daughters—in—law Cheryl and Jamie to know that I love and adore them and couldn’t be more pleased with the partners my sons have chosen. Unfortunately I haven’t had to opportunity to get to know my son—in—law Curtis, but have been VERY impressed with the little association I have had with him. I have hopes that Todd will be as fortunate in choosing a companion. I want my grandchildren Amber, Mindi, Jennie Lena, Joshua, Danielle, TJ, Kenny Rex, Conner & Miya (listed by family not by age) to know of my love and appreciation for them. What a privilege it has been for TediAnn and I to get to know them as we watch them while their parents are at work. They each have their own unique personalities but all are well behaved and mannered children and I am VERY pleased with them.

I cannot find the words to express the feelings of love, appreciation and gratitude I have for the blessing of having TediAnn for a wife and mother of my children. 

Several years ago Bishop Olsen (who had the ability to speak faster than any auctioneer) had 4 speakers for Sacrament Meeting the first speaker took a full 30 minutes leaving almost no time for the others so they each had to “reduce” their talks. The meeting theme was on Missionary work. I will never forget the profound sermon the last speaker gave. He was a young missionary who was nearing the time of his release. His sermon is easily quoted and I will quote it now:

“Brothers & Sisters it doesn’t matter what the question the answer is Love.”

Having thus delivering his speech he sat down. I have never had a sermon ring so true to me. Such a simple thought but with so much insight. The Lord is Love and everything he has given us both things we would consider blessings as well as things we would consider hardships were given to us out of pure unconditional love.

This is my Testimony
Thomas Boyd Wilson
“T” or “Grumpy T”

Signed Januarary 7, 2023