A Personal History
compiled by myself
Thomas Boyd Wilson
“T” or Grumpy T
“I believe in Miracles”

I debated as to whether or not to include this in the “Medicial section” but decided to give it a section by itself.

COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) is responsible for about 80% of all death by lung disease, I had COPD for 10 years, not only is it impossible to reverse COPD but the effects of COPD are also non reversible. This is the largest reason I wore oxygen, Every year I had a pulmonary function test to determine and keep track of my COPD. In August 2001, the result said “severely, critically terminal”. On August 8, 2011 I went in for my annual pulmonary function test and they didn’t believe the results so they retested me again, got the same result and still didn’t believe it so they tested me a third time with a different machine. The result is that my COPD is 100% reversed and 100% of the effects are 100% reversed, medically the only evidence of my having COPD is my previous pulmonary function tests.

The Dr. could not explain the absence of COPD so I explained it to them, I said the reason my COPD is gone is four fold:

  1. I had a Priesthood Blessing,
  2. I serve in the temple,
  3. I have my name on the Prayer Roll at the temple,
  4. I have family and friends praying for me.

Then I said I really don’t care if you accept that or not but I know that is the reason. I still had a mild case of Atelectasis, which is a collapsed lung, this is relatively easily reversed and cured usually with weight loss. I explained to my pulmonologist that I have advanced Barrett’s Esophagus and will be having a radical gastric bypass in a couple weeks. His response was “we are essentially finished that will totally cure you and you can go off the oxygen after you have lost 20 pounds.”

I was diagnosed with Barrett’s esophagus July 2011, and had been undergoing several different approaches to treatment. I finally arrived at the point of surgery. My Gastroenterologist advised that I go to Rocky Mountain Associated Physicians for surgery. The surgery I was scheduled to have is an expanded gastric bypass, (expanded because they will remove the cancerous esophagus and stomach). But it is in fact barbaric surgery which is weight loss surgery. My expected weight loss was to be approximately 300 pounds over the next year.

Surgery was scheduled for Tuesday September 11, 2012 at St. Marks Hospital. My stay was 2 days and 1 night. The entire process is done laparoscopically. After surgery my stomach is be what is referred to as a “pouch” and will be 2 ounces in size. So that means that I will be limited to 2 ounces per meal for at least a year after which time I can slowly stretch out the pouch to hold about 8 ounces. I was on a stringent diet for the upcoming months. There are some notable side effects to the surgery over and above weight loss which will help my heart, won’t hurt my hips, knees or feet. Suprisingly my back Dr says it may cause some problems for my back but he has given me some exercises to avoid any complications, it also cured my diabetes (they say that in most cases the diabetes is 100% gone on day of surgery), as noted earlier I was able able to go off the oxygen.

As with any surgery there are possible complications but I feel strongly that this is a good way to go. I have decided to show before during and after pictures.

(To see full size pictures please click on the thumbnail)

September 7, 2012
Day 1

Day 1I am calling today “day 1” because I went to the hospital this morning and am now officially weighed in and scheduled for the surgery. Once again I emphasize I am having this surgery due to advanced Barrett’s Esophagus. One of the side affects of this surgery will be weight loss. My pre-surgery weight is 538. The first thing that you will notice on my next picture will be no more oxygen. You may also notice that I have lost a little weight.

October 7, 2013 After 1 year

1 yearI’m not sure why she used a flash for the front view and no flash for the side view but here are my one year pictures. At almost 13 months after surgery you notice that I am indeed without my trusty oxygen tank and I have lost some weight.

My pre-surgery weight was 538 and as of October 7, 2013, I weight 186 for a total weight loss of 352 pounds. If you look at my watch I have taken 2 links out of the band and where it was tight on my wrist it is now extremely loose and my wedding band used to take 20 - 30 minutes to get off will now actually fall off if I am not careful.

The surgery was VERY successful the Barrettes Esoughous is 100% gone, it took 2 weeks to be completely off the medication for diabetes but I am off the meds and my A1C is 5.3 (anything under 5.5 is considered diabetes free)

This picture is just to demonstrate some fun. TediAnn and I got dressed in the same clothes I wore on day of surgery. We could have easily buttoned the shirt but wanted to show that the Levis were zipped closed. On a side note after weight loss like this there is obviously some loose skin but believe it or not the most uncomfortable for me at least is the loose skin between my toes.