A Personal History
compiled by myself
Thomas Boyd Wilson
“T” or Grumpy T

Giving TediAnn the ringI married TediAnn Ercanbrack on June 14th, 1974, in the Ogden Temple. Due to a miscommunication or misunderstanding and other natural causes, I was late for my wedding. The wedding was scheduled for 9:30 a.m. Our guests were told to be at the temple at 9:00 a.m. We thought that the 9:00 a.m. arrival time was for us as well as the guests. (I now know that the temple requests that the Bride and Groom arrive at least one hour ahead of guests.)

Ogden TempleI left Pleasant Grove about 25 minutes behind schedule, I had not one but two flat tires on the way to the temple and had to stop in American Fork and change the them. I got stuck behind a large truck in the freeway which had a “high load” that would not fit under the underpass at 33rd South. So I arrived at TediAnn’s home MUCH later than I planned only to find out that when she returned home from having her hair done, she had to wait for her dad was who had fallen asleep in the tub, before she could bathe. We arrived at the temple about 9:15. I have NEVER felt so rushed in my life as I felt that day in the temple. I knew that they loved and appreciated me, but I was so rushed I don’t actually recall much of what happened that day. The one thing I remember is that just before going up to the sealing room, the Sealer came to me and asked if I thought TediAnn would understand him. I told him that she might but probably would not. Unfortunately, she did not understand him. When it came to the part where she was suppose to answer “yes”, she didn’t respond and so I told her to say “yes”, which she did, and the guests all outright laughed someone even said “well we know who will wear the pants in this family”.

Lesson learned

“Don’t let your future mother-in-law plan your wedding for you!”

We honeymooned at Bryce Canyon. Click herefor wedding and honeymoon pictures