A Personal History
compiled by myself
Thomas Boyd Wilson
“T” or Grumpy T
“Testimony of Joseph Smith”

Many years ago I when I was in the 9th grade I was attending Seminary (pretty much against my wishes) our teacher decided to have a project to figuratively put the Prophet on trial and see if we could prove or disprove that he was actually a prophet. I was anxious to prove him a fraud so I took the part of prosecutor and put more effort into this than I had ever put into a school project up to that date.

I studied and did all kinds of research and showed up to class prepared while the defense person pretty much just went through the motions thinking that there was nothing to it and that because we were in Seminary his case would automatically win.

I presented my case and to my surprise and the surprise of most everyone in the class the jury unanimously voted that Joseph was a fraud.

I glorified in my awesome accomplishment of proving Joseph Smith a fraud for a year or so but later in life I realized how much I needed to repent because what I had learned with all that study was that Joseph Smith was and is a prophet of God and that through him The Gospel of Jesus Christ was restored on the earth. I am so very grateful for this knowledge and the sacrifice He gave in restoring the Gospel. I am also grateful to the early saints and the trials they endured in establishing the church again on the face of the earth.